Making a Difference One Meal at A Time

The Nutrition Initiative is more than a school lunch program, we are working towards educating schools and communities on nutrition and agriculture, creating job opportunities for locals, and empowering schools to become self-sufficient to help combat malnutrition and hunger among students.


Student Beneficiaries


Lunches Served


Students Receiving Health Education

Food insecurity is a global issue affecting more than 800 million people (World Health Organization, 2022). In 2022, H.O.P.E. For Tomorrow started The Nutrition Initiative to combat food insecurity. The Initiative includes:

  • sponsoring lunches for schools

  • assisting with the development of a school garden and poultry program

  • providing nutrition education to schools and communities when applicable

  • partnering with local organizations to implement the Initiative and engage stakeholders

The Nutrition Initiative is currently sponsoring school lunches under our H.O.P.E. for Education program. Although we have started The Nutrition Initiative in Ghana, our goal is to create sustainable lunch programs at schools worldwide.

The Nutrition Initiative at Hour of Grace Preparatory School

The Nutrition Initiative at Hour of Grace Educational Complex (formerly Preparatory School)

The Adenkrebi Basic School Nutrition Initiative