Transportation to school provides children access to an education, a meal, and keeps them safe

Hour of Grace Fellowship and Educational Complex had a school bus. However, one day the bus stopped working and Pastor Michael had to use his car to transport church members to church and students to school from more than five communities. A donor fundraised enough for Hour of Grace to purchase a school bus. Then, in 2022, $500 that was donated to the school was used to pay off a loan to secure a second bus. The buses are used not only for Hour of Grace Educational Complex, and Hour of Grace Fellowship, but for the entire community.

  • Students Walking to School

    Students walked miles through a forest and unclear areas to attend Hour of Grace.

  • A Road to School

    Some roads to Hour of Grace are treacherous, putting students who walk to school in harms way.

  • The Donation of a Bus

    Several donors sprang into action to donate a replacement bus for Hour of Grace. Since then, donors have helped pay off a small portion of a loan for the school’s second school bus. Buses aren’t only used for the school but also for the community.