Is Helping Other People Excel for Tomorrow Inc., a 501(c)(3)?

We are a 501(c)(3) organization. Donors are allowed to deduct contributions .

How is Helping Other People Excel for Tomorrow Inc., funding their current projects?

Projects are funded by monthly and one-time donors.

Who oversees initiatives abroad?

We are currently working on two initiatives in Ghana. Our President & CEO oversees all projects conducted in Ghana, and an in-country proxy, Bright Mensah, oversees our Ghana Nutrition Initiatives. We also partner with local organizations and have a team on the ground who oversee daily operations.

How does Helping Other People Excel for Tomorrow Inc., work ethically?

One of our principles is to partner with vetted local organizations to create sustainable initiatives. We research organizations and businesses we partner with to find out what we can do to address their needs and the needs of local communities.

What is your privacy policy?

You can view our privacy policy here.