Health Education, First Aid, and Healthcare Services


First Aid Kits Donated


Community members received health education


Community members received blood pressure screenings and/or health counselling by healthcare professionals

*Facts and figures based on data from 2023

Health Education

H.O.P.E. for Tomorrow not only feeds students, the unhoused and underserved, we care about people receiving reliable information to make informed decisions regarding their health based on their environment and what is accessible to them. We partner with local organizations and healthcare professionals to provide health education and trainings.

Health Screenings & Counselling

H.O.P.E. for Tomorrow has partnered with a hospital and healthcare professionals to provide blood pressure screenings, healthcare, and healthcare counselling, to unhoused and underserved communities.

First Aids Supplies

Access to first aid supplies is rare for community members of Wassa East Adwenase. After visiting Hour of Grace Fellowship and Hour of Grace Educational Complex, H.O.P.E. for Tomorrow knew how essential having first aid supplies on hand would be. With the help of donors, we have been able to donate first aid kits to Hour of Grace School and Fellowship. First aid supplies have been used to treat a student who had a scorpion bite and even another student who had a piece of wood stuck in his nose.